You are an old Detroiter (or one of its suburbs) if you can remember:
The 12th floor of Hudson's downtown at Christmas time AND Christmas Carol with her patent leather shoes and patent leather
Mort Neff, George Perot, Sir Graves Ghastly, Shock Theater? You watched Rita Bell's Prize Movie. You remember Jac LeGoff
and Van Patrick. You remember Milky the Clown, Soupy Sales, Johnny Ginger, The Friendly Giant, Uncle Bob, Poopdeck Paul, and
Captain Jolly, and George Young. Swingin’ Time with Robin Seymour...?
"WIXEY" radio, KEENER 13 or the BIG "8" CKLW
You played in the "Big Ditch" as I-75, I-94 or even 696 was being built.
You took a "moonlight cruise" to Bob-Lo with Captain Bob-Lo or took the bus to Edgewater Amusement Park.
You remember driving in the tunnel while going to Belle Isle.
The big stove was on Jefferson Ave at the entrance to Belle Isle. You rented bikes or rode horses or the horse drawn carriages
on Belle Isle. Golfed after dark at the lighted Belle Isle par three course. You canoed or ice skated on the canals.
You shopped at Hughes and Hatcher, B. Siegel, Peck and Peck, Himelhoch's, Federal's, or Berlin's.
The "Street Cars" ran on tracks down the center of Gratiot and Woodward. The "car barns" were at Gratiot and Harper and
the turntable was called the "Ca-ga-looop". Eastwood park had a roller coaster at Gratiot and 8-mile where the street car
line ended.
You rode the elevator at Hudson's downtown which was "run" by an elevator operator. You remember the wonderful fragrant
smell as you entered Hudson's and you remember -on the main floor--having to go out the doors and thru the alley to the other
side. You remember when Eastland and Northland were NEW and not enclosed malls. You remember any Mayors other than Young and
Archer and Kwami and you know who Cobo was.
You remember what you were doing when you got word there was a "riot" going on. You remember a Winkleman's store in your
You thought driving to Southfield, was going "out to the country."
You remember the mineral bath smell of Mt. Clemens.
You remember the "Big Snow."
Buffalo Bob, Howdy Doody, Clarabell, Phineas T. Bluster, Princess Summer-Fall-Winter-Spring and Plunk your magic twanger
You remember Twin Pines Dairy delivered milk and juice to the chute on the side of your house and Milky the Clown performed
magic with the magic words "Twin Pines."
You remember the Good Humor man in a white uniform, ringing the bells and riding down your street.
You might have seen Marvin Gaye or The Beatles sing at the Olympia Stadium or the Twenty Grand Lounge.
You remember Sock Hops.
You remember Olympia Stadium.
You remember when Vernor's was made on Woodward and the bearded troll was on the bottle.
You drank Towne Club pop (or Grilli's or Oh-So or Atlas).
You bought groceries at Big Bear, Great Scott, A&P, Lipson's,Dixfield's, Wrigley's National, Food Fair or Chatham's.
Your Mom saved Holden Red Stamps, S & H Green Stamps, or Gold Bell Stamps. Neisners, WT Grants, Kresge's and Woolworth's
Your school took a bus trip to "the cider mill" and had donuts and cider after the tour. Your school took a bus trip to
Kellogg's in Battle Creek.
You had an Uncle in the furniture business (Joshua Doore).
You know who Bill Kennedy was.
You shopped at Arlans, Shopper's Fair, Federals, Korvettes.
You remember this telephone number: Tyler 8-7100 (Belvedere Construction) and the slogan "We do good work."
Your phone number may have started with TYler, KEnwood, DIamond, TRinity, VErmont TWinbrook, MElrose, MAdison, TOwnsend,
PLaza, OLive,TUxedo, LAkeview or Cadillac or BRoadway.
You saw the Detroit Lion's play football in Tiger Stadium.
You remember Black Bart, and the Faygo pop song being sung on the Bob-Lo boat. Or how about, "Which way did he go? Which
way did he go?" He went for Faaaaagooo
You visited the Wonder Bread Bakery and got to take home a mini loaf of bread.
You have a picture of yourself sitting on the pony that seemed to make it down everyone's street.
Your zip code was only one or two digits - Detroit 19, Michigan
You had a Shaffer's breadman and a Brickley's or Farm Maid milkman.
You got "on the right 9 Mile and Mack, for the best deal in town (or was it "around"?). At Roy O' Brien......"
You remember the PURE and GULF gas stations. You remember the "Gas Wars".
Your house had a laundry chute and a milk chute and a coal chute.
You remember Primo's Pizza, The Red Barn, Powers, Henry's,Top Hat, Herc's Beef Buffet, Big Boy's Drive-in, and Tom's Tavern.
You attended a wedding reception or a banquet at Roma Hall.
You remember a ragged man walking down the street, ringing a bell, wanting to sharpen your knives.
You remember the "Junk Man" who rode a horse-drawn carriage through the alleys.
You could call up the local party store and they actually DELIVERED beer and grocerys to your house!
Have any memories you want me to add? E-mail me at
Bob Connor